
Are we underestimating 2-year-olds? 我们是否低估了2岁的孩子?


What happens when we take a 2-year-old’s ideas seriously?




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Many young children imagine the little wooden truck in their hands will one day turninto a real one. For our youngest students at Hua Yao, this happened. However, beforewe share the details, let’s go back to the beginning.

A few months ago some children were playing with fire trucks. Seeing this interest, weextended it by adding fire trucksin the hope that more children would join in on theplay. And they did! We noticed that this kind of play offered many concrete languageopportunities. For example, children could use action verbs, such as squirt, climb anddrive and concrete nouns: truck, ladder, jacket, hose and wheels.

We also introduced an English action song. Children sang while pretending to drive afire truck, climb a ladder, and even put out a fire by squirting water from a hose theyrepresented by clasping their hands together and making a shhhh sound.

We wondered if children would be inspired by the addition of colour and other materialsto the firefighter play. For example, would children be able to pretend an orange oryellow circle could represent fire? Would children be able to use blue paint to representwater? And would children use these materials to make meaning as a shared group?

We decided to test out our wonderings in play. But first, we thought about thedevelopmental opportunities.

● This experience would enable children to use particular colours to mentally represent(symbolic thought) for a purpose (blue paint as water, orange paint as fire).

●This experience would enable children to take on roles within a specific narrative intheir play (firefighters).

●This experience would enable children to play alongside other children engaged inthe same theme (putting out the fire).

●This experience would enable children to manipulate objects and experiment withcause and effect, trial and error, and motion (filling cups with water, squeezing paint,funneling, transporting water).

●This experience would enable children to represent objects with characteristics incommon (a stick or a paintbrush can be a hose to squirt water) and objects withoutcharacteristics in common.

●This experience would provide children with an opportunity to make connectionsbetween their own life (what they have experienced) and the play narrative (usingsomething familiar to squirt the water)

Verbal invitation in English: The teacher calls out“FIRE, FIRE”in English and pointsto the easel.

Materials:The easel includes pots of watery blue paint, brushes and some thick, shinyorange paint poured down the middle of a large piece of yellow paper.

Verbal Prompt in English: The teacher starts singing the fire truck song... “Hurry,hurry, drive the fire truck...”



我们还介绍了一首英文律动歌曲,孩子们可以一边唱一边假装自己在开消防车,在爬梯子,甚至双手合在一起代表水管喷水灭火,同时发出 “唰” 的声音。



● 该活动可以让孩子们用特定的颜色表达心理的(符号思维)某个意图(用蓝色代表水,用橙色代表火)。






英语口头邀请:老师用英语大声喊出“FIRE, FIRE (火,火)”,并指着画架。



This is what happened...


Children using blue paint to mentallyrepresent (symbolic thought) for a purpose.


Children representing ‘water’ using glossyblue paint.


Children engaged in the same play narrativeas others.


“More water” the child above is able to makeconnections between his own life experience(what he has experienced) and the playnarrative (pretending to use a watering can toput the fire out)


The child above is driving a car whilst wewere singing。“Hurry hurry drive the firetruck” in the background.


The child pictured above is taking on the roleof firefighter and representing “fire”withcrayons, movement and a firefighter’s outfit.

At this point we could have asked thechildren to clean up but instead we realizedthat we needed to offer more than a table. Inresponse, we offered them a water tray, somelarge green containers, more resources andanother table to help them continue theirplay.



Manipulating objects and experimentingwith cause and effect, trial and error, andmotion (filling cups with water, squeezingpaint, funneling, transporting water.)


The children’s interest in fire trucks supported them in many areas of development, butwe wanted to extend this even more. So again, we pondered on the next steps aschildren were now using both languages in symbolic play (pretending to be afirefighter).

We then thought about how children would respond if they knew their interest infire truckscould become a reality. Thus, bringing an “actual fire truck” to school wouldshow children that their interests and play are valued and built upon.

We worked with our operations department, who helped us bring the fire truck toschool. The local firefighters were thrilled to help out with our youngest class!

The BIG day came, and as children returned from their swimming lesson, they noticed alarge fire trucksparked in front of the preschool. Children were curious and engaged andshowed initiative and courage, with some even venturing inside the truck.


我们接着考虑到,如果孩子们知道他们对消防车的兴趣可以变成现实,会有什么反应呢。因此,让“真正的消防车” 来到学校,会向孩子们展现出他们的兴趣和游戏受到了重视,并在此基础上成就了下一步的活动。



There is an African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child” This fire trucksexperienceis a lovely example of how everyone came together to support our youngest children atHuaYao. Thank you to the school operations team and the wider community (local firedepartment) who helped extend the children’s interests and, most importantly,demonstrated to them that their interests and ideas matter regardless of their size orage!

有一则非洲谚语这样说:“养育孩子需要整个村庄的支持。” 这次消防车活动是一个很好的例子,它展示了所有人如何共同支持我们华耀幼儿园最年幼的孩子们。感谢学校运营团队和更广泛的社群(当地消防部门)帮助扩展孩子们的兴趣,并且最重要的是,向孩子们证明,无论年龄大小,他们的兴趣和想法都是重要的。

Many years ago, world-renowned educationalist, Loris Malaguzzi, said, “The wider the range of possibilities we offer children, the more intense will be their motivations and the richer their experiences.” Thus, his words still ring true today and reminds us all not to underestimate the ideas of very young children.

许多年前,世界著名的教育家洛里斯·马拉古齐 (Loris Malaguzzi) 曾说过: “我们为孩子提供的可能性范围越广,他们的动机就越强烈,他们的经历就越丰富。” 而他的话在今天仍然正确,并提醒我们所有人都不要低估年幼孩子的想法。



2023-2024学年 招生计划

幼儿园至高一 (10年级)





